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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Would YOU really eat two scoops of ice cream when your guests were only served one? Tacky tacky! Do you lacky lacky good manners?

Would YOU really eat two scoops of ice cream when your guests were only served one? Tacky tacky! Do you lacky lacky good manners?

Posted - May 14, 2017


  • Only if the others were small children who couldn't do anything about it. 
      May 14, 2017 12:46 PM MDT

  • 6477
    It's deplorable bad manners.. Have I not always said.. he has NO class.. the man is revolting..beneath contempt..
      May 14, 2017 1:21 PM MDT

  • 6988
    I like ice cream.  I'll pay for it.  Can I have 3 scoops?  Got any rocky road? 
      May 14, 2017 1:38 PM MDT

  • No! Because you said, "can" rather than "may" and did not ask, "please".  NO ice cream for you.
      May 14, 2017 2:41 PM MDT
  • .

    When it comes to Ice Cream I have no shame.  Yes I would eat two scoops and ask for whipped cream as well.  Additionally hand me anyone else's Ice Cream they are not eating,  I'll wolf that down as well. 
      May 14, 2017 3:16 PM MDT

  • 1713
    An extra scoop of iced cream?! Oh, the humanity!
    Anyway, iced cream makes me sick so I generally don't eat it at all..unless it's brownie chunk then I'm willing to deal with the consequences.
      May 14, 2017 3:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Never had Brownie Chunk ice cream but it sounds delicious! Here's the point. Would you provide your guests with less than you had? No matter what it is?  Would you take the most tender piece of meat and give your guests  stew meat that was tough? As for desserts why would you enjoy twice as much ice cream and watch them eat half as much? Trump did that from what I read. He should have returned the dish and asked for one scoop or ask that all the guests be given two scoops. A small point and not that relevant ordinarily but I think it is indicative of the selfish/greedy/obtuse person who did it. Thank you for your reply Patch. I like to entertain. My guests ALWAYS get the best and I take what's left. I was raised that way. You are, after all, what you are taught aren't you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday!  :)
      May 15, 2017 4:39 AM MDT

  • 52995

    I have been warned by one particular site moderator on several occasions that certain posts of mine were construed as "personal attacks" against you, Rosie, and that if I continued, I would be suspended. I have NEVER received any such warnings about ANYTHING that I have ever posted about ANY other member, which indicates that the moderator must have been receiving direct complaints that specifically named me. Further speculation surmises that you yourself are the complaining party. A final clue is that you yourself have used the phrase "personal attack" when whining in your responses to some things I have written.

    I outlined that preface to say this: your thinly-veiled criticism of another member of this site is exactly the kind of thing that I was sanctioned for having done. I named no name, you named no name, yet I was accused of writing about you because a conclusion could be drawn from what I referenced and a correlation could be pointed directly at you. In this post of yours, you are shielding yourself and trying to make a seemingly innocent post, when in reality, you are PERSONALLY ATTACKING the member who posted the response about two scoops of ice cream. It's an excuse to call someone tacky, hidden behind your oft-used tactic of grandmotherly witticism, which is just a cloak for intentional nastiness. 

    Par for the course in the Rosie Handbook of Human Interaction is the ol' pot calling the kettle black, along with a healthy dose of it's-wrong-when-others-do-it-but-not-when-Rosie-does-it.

    I am not petty enough to slink to the reporting button and snivel to admin that you're violating the TOS (not that I consider it to be a fair and unbiased feat anyway); I just prefer that you didn't post this kind of claptrap at all. The person you're insulting with this question doesn't deserve the abuse, especially since it's born of YOUR misunderstanding of the comment he/she made in your other question.

      May 14, 2017 3:47 PM MDT

  • 22891
    no, i could never do that, thats really rude
      May 14, 2017 4:16 PM MDT